Carrying out risk assessments with disabled students and applicants
Reasons for attending this programme:
We know we should carry out risk assessments with disabled students and applicants when health and safety issues are identified, but when should these be carried out? Who should do them? What template should we use? What pitfalls should we avoid? How should they be carried out? How do we assess the level of risk and what if we think the risk level is unacceptable but the parent doesn’t (or vice versa?)
What is this training about?
This practical and interactive session explains how risk assessments can be used to ensure that disabled learners and applicants have the same degree of dignity and choice as their peers, while at the same time reducing risk to an acceptable and manageable level. The session will give staff an understanding of how risk assessments should be completed and used when evaluating and managing health and safety issues with disabled students and applicants. The event will be of interest to health and safety officers, learning support staff and tutors in practical areas such as engineering, construction, catering and health and social care.
During this programme you learn:
- the principles and processes of inclusive risk assessment
- the five steps to effective risk assessment
- how to resolve the potential conflicts between learner entitlement and organisational protection
- the skills and confidence to carry out inclusive risk assessments with disabled learners
- the key features of a robust risk assessment and understand how to complete a risk assessment template.
- Staff are adept at working with learners and applicants with different impairments.
- The support of disabled learners is fully integrated within safeguarding policy and practice.
- Legal requirements are met, thereby avoiding litigation, court action, costly discrimination pay-outs or damage to reputation and staff morale.
Duration: 6 hours
Fees on application
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