Equality, Diversity and the Law
Get to grips with the key changes, challenges and choices of the Equality Act 2010
Reasons for attending this programme:
Are you clear on the requirements of the Equality Act 2010? Are you aware of the significant changes to positive action provisions? Do you know the difference between positive action and positive discrimination? Are you confident that your published equality information and objectives meet the requirements of the new specific duties? What are the links between your equality information, objectives, and the three key inspection judgements of the 2012 Common Inspection Framework? Are your objectives outcome-focussed rather than output-focussed? Do you know what to do about gaps in your information? Are you aware of pitfalls to avoid?
What is this training about?
The Equality Act 2010 (the Act) is a significant piece of legislation that considerably strengthens equality law. This practical and interactive one-day workshop explores the key changes the Act introduces, and the practical implications of these for organisations. It will be appropriate for senior staff, E&D managers, quality managers, HR staff, governors / trustees, equality champions and staff on E&D task groups and committees.
During this programme you learn:
- the key changes introduced by the Equality Act 2010
- the expectations of the Equality and Human Rights Commission
- processes and practice already in place that can be exploited to meet the new duties
- the links between the new inspection framework and the specific duties, and what Ofsted inspectors will look for in relation to statutory duties.
- what action you need to take back to plan for improvement.
- Recruit from the widest pool of applicants to attract and retain the most talented staff.
- Improve inspection outcomes, and become the employer and provider of choice in the locality.
- Meet legal requirements, thereby avoiding litigation, court action, costly discrimination pay-outs or damage to reputation and staff morale.
Duration: 6 hours
Fees on application
Mulberry Lawn, Quay Lane, Brading, Isle of Wight PO36 0AT
Tel +44 (0)1983 400771 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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