The Big Question:
Are you questioning enough?
Reasons for attending this programme:
As you know the art of questioning is at the heart of learning: teaching, assessing, differentiating, coaching, motivating, developing thinking skills and creating critical thinkers – effective questions are key to these and more!
Appropriate questions, asked skilfully, contribute to significant improvements in learning. Limited questioning leads to limited understanding. Superficial questioning leads to superficial understanding.
What is this training about?
Questioning is the essence of effective teaching because of the numerous purposes it serves: motivating learners, assessing knowledge and skills, and reviewing content. Questioning is the heart and soul of learning. It is the most widely used instructional strategy to facilitate learning.
Thinking is driven by questions, not answers, and learning is driven by thinking.
This event will give participants an opportunity to investigate the principles of effective questioning and the links between questioning, thinking and learning.
During this programme you learn:
- How to develop the art of questioning
- To link questioning to creativity and critical thinking
- How questioning skills are used for different learning outcomes
- How to promote questioning skills in others
- How to use questions to drive up levels of learning
- Effective questioning can unlock motivation
- Confidence in your ability to ask powerful questions
- Deeper learning is promoted through clever questioning
- Personalised Learning and thinking is achieved
- Motivation is more likely to be unlocked
Duration: 6 hours
Fees on application
Mulberry Lawn, Quay Lane, Brading, Isle of Wight PO36 0AT
Tel +44 (0)1983 400771 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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