Creating Expert Learners
Getting learners to take the responsibility for managing their own learning
Reasons for attending this programme:
Would you like your learners to take responsibility for managing their own learning and develop a range of skills and strategies in order to get the most out of their programmes? What characteristics, qualities and attitudes are essential for learning effectively? And how can we develop these to create expert learners?
As the variety of learners on our programmes continues to diversify, it is becoming increasingly important to consider how we can support students to become expert learners.
What is this training about?
Exactly what it means to be an ‘expert learner’. This programme looks at the building blocks involved and provides a model to utilise and develop. And we provide practical strategies for classrooms and workshops that enable teachers and tutors that underpin this model.
There is strong evidence that knowing how to learn has a positive impact on attitude to learning and on raising achievement. Supporting learners to develop a range of thinking and learning styles in order to get the most out of their programmes and to take responsibility for managing their own learning is at the core of expert learning.
During this programme you learn:
- The characteristics of ‘expert learners’ and the skills that are required to become one
- To acknowledge ‘the self’ in learning
- Factors that interfere with successful learning
- Recognise the conditions that are necessary to promote learning
- Strategies that suit individual preferred learning and thinking styles so making learning easier
- A range of approaches to build specific learning skills including strategies for memory, working with and processing information
- How to develop a model of The Expert Learner
- Staff and students have a deeper understanding of how they learn
- Lessons become lively and personalised
- Students become skilled in taking more responsibility for learning
- Attitudes to learning are positive
- Achievement is raised
Duration: 6 hours
Fees on application
Mulberry Lawn, Quay Lane, Brading, Isle of Wight PO36 0AT
Tel +44 (0)1983 400771 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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